Goodbye, Frailty...

I woke up this morning with a curious smile on my face
I felt strong despite my physical weakness, brave despite my hopelessness
My heart was in complete serenity and peace reigned my soul
It feels as if I was awaken from a long tiresome sleep or a perhaps a lost wandering
My body felt the burden but my soul rejected the pain
I still felt at ease - I felt my own heaven on earth, a void of total happiness in a world of chaos
I heard not the beating of my pulse but the cheerful song of a robin as he greeted the morning
I sensed not my weakening breathing but the dancing of the squirrels as they prepare for the winter
I anticipated not my death but the outbusrt of the sprecter of light from the rising sun
This is the day I want to die and I want to feel every moment and every second as if there is no boundary between souls and hearts and time and spaces

I struggled to open my eyes and look around my room
A momentary confusion overwhelmed me but it was immediately defeated
For a brief period, I was scared and lost in the middle of a whole new milieu, a whole new world
This is what we call Earth - a continuum of space and time embedded within the core of hell
How I long to escape the cruelties of life, how I crave for a way out of the earth
The lamp on my table still burns the night oil as it if wants not to end it's life and essence
The curtain spread on my rusty windows sways in accordance to the wind ever yielding
The books on the shelves... be cont. =)


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