On Walking...

"The university's hallway turns into a podium when you walk..."

It was such a sweet and flattering comment from a Slovenian classmate. I didn't know how to react, so I smiled, uttered thank you, and left. The next morning, another acquaintance called me to tell me she saw me walking along Nishi-Waseda like a model. Funny, these comments are not new to me. I know there is something weird with the way I walk, particularly when I wear heels (except when I make horrifying falls). It made me wonder though, why I walk this way... I guess, I have always been cautious with movement... I started dancing ballet at a very young age and the grace and elegance of movement does not leave. I was trained to be composed, chin up, spine aligned, and just smile to charm the audience. I remember, every single one of my dance instructors would tell me to smile so that people would not notice when I make mistakes. And I did that...I danced and I would wear this smile to hide a wrong step. So I guess, I walk like this because there remains in me the zeist of a dancer, albeit the added pounds to my aging body. It also has something to do with my views. For one, I aim for beauty - one that flows, seamless, and exudes (but not one that capitalizes on make-ups and slutty clothes). Second, I am inclined to maintain composure and grace amidst the chaos and anarchy of this world. Next, if you walk with a smile and people see you, they lighten up - how good would it be to lighten up someone's day with a smile. Fourth, I walk with grace because after a mistake or a bad move, walking away stunningly is all that is left for me to do. Lastly, I walk with grace (sometimes I call it gliding) because life becomes a rosier, a little more wonderful, pleasurable, and exciting, with a good perspective, and a good perspective comes with a good footing.


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