Just my imagination...

How much can a father love his daughter? Is there a limit? Can he forgive her a million times and then nothing more? Can he take care of her for like eighteen years and then mind her not for the rest of her life? How much can a father love his daughter?

I'm not a perfect daughter.


I have done some bad things but my father always forgive me. I took a penny or two from his pocket and never told him about it. I punched my brother, grabbed my little sister's hair and wrestled with my youngest sibling despite my father's reminder that I should take care of them. I stared at him curtly when he would not let me go out with my friends on my 15th birthday. Many times I hurt his feelings...failed him several times.

But he loves me still.

And sometimes it makes me wonder. How can he love me like that when I'm far from the ideal daughter that he deserves... I wonder. Really.

My father has always been protective of me. He took care of me like I was a delicate crystal ball. He spoke to every boy who picked at me when I was in school. He used to keep at eye on my friends just so he can make sure that I am with good people...good influence. I remember, that one time when I went home crying because a naughty boy from my class told me some nasty stuff. My father, who saw me walked inside the house, approached me and asked what was wrong, so I told him. The next thing I knew, he went to the house of my classmate and scolded him and told him not to bother me ever again. That boy never messed with me again (until after five years, when he tried to kiss my on my cheeks and I kicked him, ha!). My father. Always ready to clear the way for me. Always trying to keep me from pain. My knight in shining armor! My superman!

I know that he is always ready and willing to defend me from any threat...anything at all that could hurt me.

But a few years ago, I made one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I hurt my father when I allowed myself to be hurt and broken by someone...some guy.

Despite my father's precautions and advices.... I entered in a complicated world...a world that would hurt me...almost killing me. He told me to be careful but I did not heed his advice. I thought I could handle everything because I'm all grown up. The stubborn girl in me just wanted to run away from father's protective wings...I thought I could handle it alone. I lied to my father. Made up things so he would not be suspicious of my unguarded and dangerous adventures. I voluntarily subjected myself to pain without even considering that what i was doing was also hurting my father. I took his love and concern for granted. While he was doing everything he can to make me happy, I was out there...walking into what would eventually become my worst nightmare...like a moth flying towards the fire... My sin felt good at first. It was freedom. It was irrational, and I liked it. I savored every moment...until I got hurt in the end.

When world around me suddenly crumbled, I had nowhere else to go but home. I confessed everything to my father... I had to run to him for there was no one beside me to help me... The pain was just unbearable. It made me feel like I was alone. My heart was bruised and I was like a little girl running towards daddy... Hoping to find my superman. Hoping that he could tell me that I'll be alright. I told him everything...my regrets...my sins...the torment...and I could hear in his voice that he too was hurt, more than I. And this is what he said to me while I was crying...

"Stop crying... Why are you still crying? Stop it. Why? You think I don't love you now because of what you did? Do you really think that I will love you less because of what happened? Do you think I won't trust you anymore? Tell me, when did I ever abandon you? When did I not support you? When did I stop loving you? Go on, tell me... Stop crying, that boy does not deserve your tears... Remember that I will always love you no matter what..."

And then everything was alright... His words were enough to make me feel stronger... He even made a joke about sending my really huge uncles to "bring down" the guy who made me cry...

See... I really don't deserve that kind of love... I turned my back at him and yet when I needed him...he was there...someone hurts me and my father shares my pain...his love for me is simply unconditional.

How much does a father love his daughter?

Eternal. Unconditional. True.

Disclaimer: This is a mere fiction. Just a product of my imagination.


Anonymous said…
thanks for the affective writing, keep it up

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