Lagos at Night

I turned on the air-conditioning;
To battle this scorching heat.
I wait for a few minutes,
hoping that the heavy air will vanish.
But it doesn't.
I wonder why, since the humming
of the generator is loudly heard in my apartment.
In the middle of summer,
I had to endure this.
I know I have way out.
I can always leave and go back to
The sirens outside are maddening.
The clutters all around and the excruciating traffic.
There is a sense of misery in this place.
Sometimes, all I want is to pack my bags and hop on the next plane out.
Who am I kidding, I will never leave Lagos.
In a kind of twisted way, this is my home.
This chaos is my comfort.
The anxiety is my addiction.
Lagos is my life.
And though it is not at all easy,
I will stay
Because, here, in its bosom, I can be me.
The generator stopped.
It is going to be a long night.


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