The Line Between the Bitch and the Empowered Woman

She walks with her head up high. She does not hesitate, she struts with a sense  of urgency and purpose. She gets pissed with laziness or mediocrity. She is a perfectionist. She flourishes in competition and loves to win, all the time. She learns from mistakes and strives to get better and better every single time. You can call her a bitch, a heartless woman. When she snaps, you can probably even say she is nasty and curt. Her tongue is sharp but so is her mind. She speaks what she thinks and she will never hold back. You will know exactly what she feels, she does not have time to pretend. She will scold you or tell you off, but all that she does out of love. You see, there is a fine line between a bitch and an empowered woman. They both appear strong and independent but really there is one crucial difference. An empowered woman knows how to love, does things because of love, or even for love. A bitch, well, she is just a bitch with a load of insecurity, selfishness, and greed. They appear the same, but if you look closely, I bet you will be able to see - the difference between a bitch and an empowered woman.


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