Note to self:

1. Be more human. Your life is worthless if you simply spend it to pursue your own desire for material security and professional success. A life that is truly well spent is a life lived with others - a life that is shared to others. Touch people's lives. Share them what you have. Make life easier for them.

2. Live a simpler life. Learn how to save some of your money for the rainy days. Aim to keep at least ten thousand bucks per month. No buts! No excuses!

3. Finish your thesis. If you want to pursue success, start now. Concentrate on your thesis. Focus your eyes on and direct your heart to the writing of your thesis. You can do this! You have to!

4. Learn when to relax. Do not live ahead of time. Do not worry too much on what might happen tomorrow or in the future, just live life to the fullest! Cherish each second and savor each moment. Vita brevis, ergo, carpe diem!

5. Be more yielding. Accept the fact that there are things in this life that you can never change. The sky will still be blue tomorrow. The river will still keep on flowing. It will still rain in June. Learn to be more yielding to nature's ways. Trust and have faith that when things are bound to happen, the Universe will conspire to make them happen. They will happen.

6. Be exceedingly passionate in all your endeavors. A mediocre life is not worth living at all! So, in everything you do, give it your best! Scrutinize yourself keenly and struggle to constantly get better so others would find it hard to complain about you.

7. God obliges you to be happy so be happy! Find beauty and bliss in the most mundane aspect of life. From drinking a cup of coffee on a rainy day to the once in a lifetime tour to Angkot Wat - find the joy that God puts in everything surrounding you. Also, find the joy within your heart. The joy from the incarnate love of God that keeps you from harm and protects you throughout your life.

8. Be more organized. Plan ahead of time and stick to your plan. This is your secret armor for success!

9. Take good care of yourself. Stay beautiful and charming as always. Always carry yourself with grace and elegance. Do not forget to smile sweetly – you can brighten one’s day with just a smile. And, you’ll never know who could fall in love your smile…

10. Post-modernist Love: Love him. Expect nothing. Regret nothing.

“Lord, You have searched my heart and You know when I sit and when I stand… Where can I run from Your Love?”
-Yahweh, You are Near


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