Scattered notes...

  • Knowledge is not anymore power...power is knowledge.

  • The construction of binary subjects in understanding culture and norms cannot be simply used as binary is arguably not natural.

  • Identities, categories and desire are fluid, dynamic and power-related.

  • In any paper/research/study one must always, always have an argument! Merely explaining and laying down facts or tracing an area's history is practically a lost page of encyclopedia - valuable(yes! of course!) but not analytical.

  • If we know that culture is man-made...that our way of thinking and way of life are limited, restricted by social constructs formed and produced through time to promote a particular agenda, tell me again, why should we perpetuate it? Why should we still follow what is given? Should we not deconstruct what has been established?

  • Can we not live our life in our own terms?

  • Sometimes, even if I'm very happy...I feel anxious. I feel that I should not savor the feeling for it is just fleeting. It will hurt once it's gone. Sad.

  • Once again, I am getting weaker and weaker. I am pestered by a right-amount-of-jealousy. Yikes.

  • When you expose yourself to danger, when you push yourself to the limit, you will see your true will realize your true potentials.

  • I can't seem to understand why human beings, through history, endeavored to "organize", "set rules" upon, and, "categorize" everything - from their merest perceptions through their absolute experiences - and then finally breaking down almost everything they have established. Maybe it was necessary.

  • I don't understand why I have to make sense of who you are in my life. I know that you make me happy, cry, sad, disappointed, excited, aroused, inspired, afraid, bold, anxious, serene, wonder, dream, see, smile, among others. You make me feel human. You make me want to love you. You make me want to (intentionally made garbled because of slight conservatism) to you. And I think that will suffice.



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