
I finished reading the complete series of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter from Book 1 to 7 (for the nth time!). I usually start browsing these books when I need to relax and escape from the toxicity but what happens eventually and unfortunately is that when I get a hold of any Harry Potter book, I could not help but to finish the whole series again. So there..for the past two days, I have been reading Goblet of Fire, Order of the Phoenix, Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows. Finally it's over!

Now, I gotta start (re) reading stuffs on Said's Orientalism, politocan thinkers, migration, Appadurai on Globalization and Culture, Austin Coates' book on Rizal, among others. I also need to schedule the remaining interviews for my thesis (gasp!), write lectures, write/finalize my paper for US Naval Academy's (Annapolis, Maryland, USA) Conference on "Transcending Borders: Asia, Middle East and the Global Community", manuscript for Kasarinlan, among others.

Furthermore, I need to prepare for my grand vacation in Singapore! Yey! Need to have myself vaccinated against flu virus. Need to budget my finances to make sure that I have enough to buy a winter clothe for someone, a lacoste shirt for another friend, shoes for my best friend, etc. Hay!
Finally, I'm back to reality. Got alot of things that needs to be done. Focus. Smile. Fight!



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