Kafka on the Shore

It's one of those books...the type of book that speaks to me directly...the type of book that I can easily converse with...the type of book that feels my thoughts and soothes my curiosity...the type of book that opens my soul to man's varying degrees of idiosyncrasies...and then I enter another world.

It's the type of book that makes me want to stop time.


As I flip the pages and vehemently anticipate for the protagonists' adventures and mishaps, I find as well as lose something about myself...
A strange feeling of getting out before it all end in front of my eyes creeps in my mind.
And then it rushes, an innate desire to wish forever is true.
In as much as I want to escape good byes and the ends, all the more I realize that only the weak gives in to the fear of finality of a mere adieu.


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