I don't have a religion...
But I do believe in God.
I believe that there is a force out there that guides us as we go through this complicated network of streets called life...we call this force God/Nature/Universe/Fate/Spirit...call it whatever you want to call it.
There is something or someone somewhere that would always lead us to the right path. There are impediments along the way but if you have a pure and kind heart, you will always see yourself surrounded by His love. 

Tapped by God.
Just recently, I cried myself to sleep because of a sudden dilemma. My initial reaction was: "God naman...don't do this to me...
The following morning, I woke up and checked my mail only to find out that I'm invited to present a paper in a conference in Maryland, USA! My initial reaction was: "God! Are you serious? You're weird! You allow me to get hurt but You also heal me just before I give up to the pain."
How can I not believe in Him?! When He NEVER fails to catch me before I hit the ground...before I get seriously hurt...
So whenever you're in pain...trust that God/Nature/Universe/Fate/Spirit will not abandon you...everything will be just fine in the right time.
Find serenity in pain, hope in uncertainty and love in everything.
But I do believe in God.
I believe that there is a force out there that guides us as we go through this complicated network of streets called life...we call this force God/Nature/Universe/Fate/Spirit...call it whatever you want to call it.
Tapped by God.
Just recently, I cried myself to sleep because of a sudden dilemma. My initial reaction was: "God naman...don't do this to me...
The following morning, I woke up and checked my mail only to find out that I'm invited to present a paper in a conference in Maryland, USA! My initial reaction was: "God! Are you serious? You're weird! You allow me to get hurt but You also heal me just before I give up to the pain."
How can I not believe in Him?! When He NEVER fails to catch me before I hit the ground...before I get seriously hurt...
So whenever you're in pain...trust that God/Nature/Universe/Fate/Spirit will not abandon you...everything will be just fine in the right time.
Find serenity in pain, hope in uncertainty and love in everything.