On Weddings, Babies, and Fruit Cakes

See. This is what happened this morning. I woke up late and checked my mails and facebook - the highlights of events are weddings. Yes. This is the phase where more and more of my friends, acquantaines, and batchmates are getting married and having babies. They seem so happy and I am really glad for them. But the more I think about it and the more I see their pictures, the more I realize how difficult it is for me to relate to those things. True, once I was engaged...once I also dreamed of having a family... But now, those thoughts seem to be tierra incognita. Right now, I feel relieved and free not having a family and not being imprisoned in a marriage. I decide where to go. How liberating is that? As I always have, my decision is simple: to follow my passion and enjoy the world.


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