On Uncertainty, Love, and Life

For a few moments, I halted. Closed off my mind to the buzzing of the world. Shut off my ears and only entertained silence - and my own screaming. Clasped my hands next to my chest and reached stillness. Why do we love? He asks. I was dumbfounded and for a while even frozen. Indeed, the question is valid. Why do we love? Is love all we need to live or do we need love at all? You see, before, I would just pick up a good book instead of burning my time away pondering on the contours and lines of love. For a long time, I stopped asking and caring what love's face really looks like...thinking, when I see love, I will know.

But, interestingly, lately I realized. The older I get, the less relevant the question becomes. Certainly, I desire love - but love is not what keeps me going. It is passion, adventure, and life's uncertainties. Yes, correct. Life's uncertainties drive me, rouse me, and propel me day to day. Just to imagine the breadth and depth of the world, the little corners I have not seen yet. The alleys and highways that are unlike anything I have seen. The rivers and volcanoes that exude different hues. The multiplicity of languages and colors and tastes - oh life, at its finest is when nothing is for sure. Everything is in flux. 

Everything changes, even love. 

And so, I chase life and I run towards love and I embrace uncertainties. I walk alone, but not in solitude. I walk in peace...every second tasting life - the bitter and the sweet.


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