I follow my passion...


*I should be doing my paper due tonight at 12 midnight (got 5 out of the required 25 pages, and then another paper due on Tuesday!), but here I am typing some immaterial notes, emptying my mind of qualms and disquiet. Hay.

"A life well spent is a life spent in the pursuit of one's passion."

This is one belief that I hold most firmly. I have always lived my life chasing my wildest and sincerest passions. I have never settled for what is safe and easy instead I always pursue undiscovered and dangerous terrains. I seek to explore other worlds that no one dared to enter. I have pushed myself to several adventures, exposed myself to possible torment, endeavored to excel unperturbed and struggled to do something novel, something better, always. I continuously challenge myself to go beyond my limitations, maximizing my potentials.

I am: Restless. Venturesome. Unafraid. I hold my passions dearly and so far, I am most content with how my decisions turned out.

Along the way, I got hurt, scarred and had my heart broken (for the nth time). There were times when my pride was trampled and dignity was stripped off me. I gambled, took a faint chance on destiny and yes, lost something precious. I have cried a river and almost gone astray. Went on the verge of breaking down, only to find solace and sanity at the last second. Yes, oh dear, yes, I survived!

I want to think that my life has been full of both desolate and gratifying moments...nevertheless everything has been meaningful...every failure or success, every tear or smile, every friend or enemy and every love or aversion contributed to who I am right now...I have been happy and I want to think that this is because, I have never forgotten to live by my passions...

I do what my heart tells me to do and for that, I regret nothing in the past.

And so I see to reason for me to back down, most importantly now. I capitalize on the fact that I have achieved things, reached this point in my life where God wants me to be, because I have been valiant enough and sincere with my passions.

I see no reason to withdraw from this task ahead.

In front on me is a steep, rocky and precarious mountain....full of fierce animals and hungry vultures. There is only a feeble possibility of tranquility from a mythical falls in heart of the forest, offering an elixir of life and perfect bliss but for all I know, that could be mere fiction. It offers no security and I don't want to hope against hope that it's true.

What I do know is that within me is a profound desire to climb that mountain and explore it's treacherous forest. I don't mind if I would never find the mythical falls (I have fallen in love with it's mystery in silence and in silence I will grieve it's unreality), I simply want to see what is on top of that mountain...

I want to know if it's a world where I can be.

I hear some terrifying warnings and unflinching reproaches...telling me not to be on that dangerous ground...but my deepest passion and earnest hope is to see myself triumphant on that very dangerous ground. I will quench my passion. I will appease my desire. I will look for the right answers to my curiosity.

Nothing can stop me.

I am disposed to face the challenge and the fires of passage...and if I fail in this arduous feat, I will remain steadfast for I will still have in me my passion, my very soul and my ever determined heart. I will just take the next step ahead.


Anonymous said…
nice one!

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