Itchy Mind Rants [Because I Forget Things Easily]

1. On Leonardo's Acceptance Speech at the Oscar's: No, it is not THEIR stories, or the INDIGENOUS people's stories - please, their stories are OUR stories. Every single narrative is a thread in the overall and bigger narrative of mankind. So, please do not exclude yourself - just effin say that we want to know more about the other facets of OUR story(ies).

2. On the Magellan 'Discovered' the Philippines/Columbus 'Discovered' the Americas spiel: I do not think discovery is inherently a one-way street. I am inclined to see it as a dynamic process - "discovering" involves all parties concerned. We discover ourselves as we come face to face with the other - the other only makes sense as we juxtapose them with ourselves.

3. On Freedom: Hello, we meet again.


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