The Stories

One day, you will have to come to terms with your own fate. Fact is, you were never meant to settle. Fact is, you are destined to roam. The inks on your body say so.

You will eventually have to accept that you are that individual who plays an ephemeral role in people's lives.

You are a fleeting burst of sunshine - but only that, fleeting. And that is okay. You get to be a part of other people's stories and that by itself is a privilege. But these stories, their stories, are not yours to begin with. You do not get to remain until the end. Do not even try. 

So, go and digress. Write your own story - a story that will somehow mean something to someone. 

There was nowhere to go but everywhere, so just keep on rolling under the stars. - Kerouac


deeps said…
restlessly fleeing butterfly...
nice thought

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