On Random People...

For the past few days, I have been isolated in my own rigid routine of work and gym, work and gym. After six consecutive days of bone-breaking muay thai training, I decided, I deserve a day out. So, I took out my fave skirt and plain white top, put on some make-up (which was a bad idea because it is so hot here), and sashayed my way into town.

Had a beer and lovely time reading a book on cycling then went for a massage. There are probably thousands of those massage places here in Chiang Mai but I chose to go in this place run by ex-prisoners. I wanted my money to help them normalize their life post-prison. It turned out I had to wait for one hour, so guess what, I went to my second home - the gym! Yeah...yeah... Had fun being the spectator this time, no need to wrap my ever-painful hands and sweat like a horse. No, this time, I gawked. 

I met this awesome Australian chef (who previously already kicked my butt a lil too hard, and told him, jokingly that I liked it..just a lil bit...ha!). Decided we should do something before he leaves. So, after my massage (which was awesome, by the way), we agreed to meet near the West Gate of the Old City - for the very first time I strolled along the night bazaar! I was like a kid so fascinated by the different colors and scents and sounds. See, being isolated then finally re-entering the social sphere can be quite amazing. I have this yearning to bask into the whole chaos and confusion of the place.

When I finally saw my new friend, I tagged along in his shopping spree - and yikes, learned the art of haggling! Oh dear, he is a character! Offering prices half the tag! I am really not good at haggling but I found it captivating and really hilarious. It does not make sense in my head why you will offer 50 baht for something that is obviously tagged 150 baht. I need to practice. He opened up that potential in me. 

I love meeting random people. I am friendly and I can chat with anyone but actually I am highly selective, really very picky with the people I spend more than one hour with. I am glad to find someone I was able to laugh with (again, something I can't or don't do since I am mostly alone). Interestingly, we actually have a common friend! Small world!

Too bad he leaves today for Australia...but not without kicking my butt (again) during our five rounds of sparring! Geez. I had so much fun, not really because of the sparring per se, because obviously, I lost every round. He was actually having fun. How can a man enjoy beating up a woman, he floored me like 5-6 times! Oh well, cheers to random people, transitory people, who give us a few moments of fun and laughter. 


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